
Miles Platting Christmas & New Year office opening hours

Miles Platting Christmas & New Year office opening hours

Our Baker House office opening hours during the festive period:

Friday 24 December 2021: 9.00am to 12.30pm

Monday 27 December: Closed
Tuesday 28 December: Closed
Wednesday 29 December: 9.00am till 6.00pm
Thursday 30 December: 9.00am till 5.00pm
Friday 31 December: 9.00am to 12.30pm

Monday 03 January 2022: Closed
Tuesday 04 January: 9.00am till 5.00pm

If you need to report an EMERGENCY repair during this time, please contact our emergency service on 0800 234 6826.

You can report non-urgent repairs, pay rent and access all our other services on our website or by using ‘My.Jigsaw’, our online services available 24/7. If you haven’t already registered, it’s quick and easy to do!